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Read the preschooler game "Discovering Pictures in Books" online or print it off and play!

Discovering Pictures in Books
1.      Take a children’s book and read the title and look at the picture.
2.     Have your child tell you what they think the book will be about. Have them take a close look at the cover and tell you about it.
3.     Take a picture walk doing the same process through the entire book.
4.     Read the book to see if your child’s predictions were correct.
5.     They can make new predictions at anytime.
Ideas to Focus On
1.      If there are cows, sheep, pigs, and horses in the book where might the story take place? Who might be a character in the book?
2.     If the characters are carrying umbrellas what might the weather be like?
3.     The idea is not only to get your child to tell the obvious but to make inferences and good predictions.
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Perceptive Preschooler's Games
Discovering Pictures in Books

Learning a new preschooler game is spectacular early learning fun!



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