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Read the preschooler game "Rhyming Fun" online or print it off and play!

Rhyming Fun
When words rhyme they sound the same at the end of the word. For example:
fun, run, and sun rhyme
I am going to say a word and I want you to tell me which of the words I say next rhymes with the first word.
For example:
Which word rhymes with big? tree or pig?
Let’s play.
Which word rhymes with ______? ______ or _____?
Word Families
-at -et -it -ot -ut
bat jet bit cot nut
cat wet hit dot hut
fat pet pit got rut
hat vet kit hot cut
mat set lit not gut
pat met sit pot but
rat let wit tot shut


Perceptive Preschooler's Games
Rhyming Fun

Learning a new preschooler game is spectacular early learning fun!





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