Wednesday, February 05, 2025    Login  



Read this toddler game "Fishing" online or print it off!

*With your child write the letters on square sheets of paper, put a paper clip on the top of each card, and put the cards into plastic bowl or plastic fish bowl. Take an unsharpened pencil and tie a string to it. At the bottom of the string glue a magnet (an adult will need to glue the magnet as you have to use strong glue), you have a fishing pole.
*Have your child fish into the bowl and pull out a card. They have to tell you the letter on the card or the card goes back into the bowl to be fished out once again. If they know the letter on the card they get to keep the card.
*Your child can also pull the letters out and tell you the sound the letter makes.
*Your child can pull the letters out and name three things that start with that letter.
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Talented Toddler Games


Learning a new toddler game is spectacular early learning fun!

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