Thursday, March 13, 2025    Login  


You can print this game off or just get started right away by gathering socks and a laundry basket!


Sock Toss
*Get a laundry basket and roll up a pairs of socks (if you have 5 pairs that would work).
*Put the basket around the room and have your child throw the socks into the basket (count the socks as your child tosses them in).
*Put the basket on top of a table or just about anywhere.
*You can add more pairs of socks and count up to 10.
*Maybe the basket is worth 2 points so count by 2’s.
*Maybe the basket is worth 5 points so count by 5’s.
*Maybe the basket is worth 10 point so count by 10’s.
*When you take the socks out of the basket you can count backwards by the number.
*Count ON!


Talented Toddler Games
Sock Toss


Learning a new toddler game is spectacular early learning fun!

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