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Print off the "Check-Ups" for your baby and get started!

Blossoming Babies
Language Growth


Birth-3 Months
Say to your baby, “ah-ah-ah and oh-oh-oh and eh-eh-eh.” 
  • Your baby repeats the vowel sound noises.
3 Months-6 Months
Say to your baby, “ma ma ma, da da da, baa baa baa.”
  • Your baby makes two-syllable sounds.
6 Months-9 Months
Say your baby’s name.
  • Your baby responds to their name.
9 Months-12 Months
Say to your baby, “Mama or dada.”
  • Your baby says, “Mama or dada.”
Say, “No” to your baby at an appropriate time.
  • Your baby understands, “No.”
Observe your baby using single words appropriately (cookie, mine, doll, hot…)
  • Your baby uses single words appropriately (they have the correct meaning).
Say to your baby, “Where is your nose or eyes or mouth …?”
  • Your baby understands the verbal question by pointing or doing a gesture correctly.
Blossoming Babies
Social Growth


3 Months-6 Months
Observe your baby as you talk to them.
  • Your baby should make eye contact with you.
Say to your baby, “I am going to pick my big girl/boy up.”
  • Your baby should reach for you.
Say your baby’s name.
  • Your baby should respond to their name.
6 Months-9 Month
Ask your baby to give you a hug or a kiss.
  • Your baby should give you a hug or a kiss.
9 Months-12 Months
Chant a familiar finger play to your baby.
  • Your baby should participate.
Roll a ball to your baby.
  • Your baby will stop the ball and roll it back to you.
Read a book to your baby.
  • Your baby snuggles right up and they enjoy being read to.
Observe your baby when they need help but it is not urgent.
  • Your baby will wait about 5 minutes for needs to be met (self soothing and self control).
Blossoming Babies
Physical Growth
Birth-3 Months
Put your baby on their stomach.
  • Your baby raises their head slightly.
3 Months-6 Months
Put your baby on their stomach.
  •  Your baby should roll over.
Put your baby on their stomach.
  • Your baby will push their bodies forward and pull themselves up.
6 Months-9 Months
Set your baby down on the floor.
  • Your baby should crawl around.
Give your baby an object.
  • Your baby should transfer this object from one hand to the other.
9 Months- 12 Months
Set your baby on the floor.
  • Your baby should sit without support.
Observe your baby when exploring.
  • They should stand.
Hold your babies hands with support.
  • They will walk with help.
Observe your baby with toys.
  • They will drop a toy and pick it up.
Observe your baby picking up smaller objects (cereal, beads, squeeze toys …).
  • Your baby will pick up the objects using their thumb and one finger.
Blossoming Babies
Knowledge Growth
3 Months-6 Months
Give your baby a new object (make sure it is safe for a baby).
  • Your baby looks at the object, touches it, and is inquisitive about the new object.
Drop a toy from where you are sitting.
  • Your baby looks for the dropped toy.
6 Months-9 Months
Play “Peek-a-boo” with your baby.
  • Your baby reacts and looks at you.
Read your baby’s favorite book to them.
  • Your baby should look at the pictures in the book.
Give your baby a toy.
  • Your baby should experiment with the toy by dropping, shaking, or banging it.
Show your baby their reflection in a mirror.
  • Your baby should react to their reflection.
9 Months-12 Months
Wave and say” bye-bye” or throw kisses to your baby.
  • Your baby should be able to wave bye-bye or throw kisses.
Observe your child when you say, “No” to them.
  • Your baby should shake their head “No” with understanding.
Give your baby two objects that fit into one another.
  • They should be able to put one object into another.
Blossoming Babies
Creative Growth
6 Months-9 Months
Give your baby a few crayons.
  • Your baby will take the color and scribble on paper.
9 Months-12 Months
Put on some of your babies favorite music.
  • Your baby will move in time to the music.
Give your baby some play dough.
  • Your child will play with small pieces of play dough.
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Blossoming Babies Check-Ups
Check-Ups are important to keep track of your child's progress!

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