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 Check Lists

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Language Growth
*Read, sing, and talk to your baby from day ONE!!! Babies hearing is an advanced sense at this point and they love low, soft, gentle voices and hearing the rhythmic sound of language.
Birth-3 Months
  • Babies love to smile
  • They respond pleasurably to the sound of human voice
  • Babies may repeat vowel noises, such as “ah” or “ooh”
  • They make noises of coos and gurgles
  • Babies begin to imitate sounds
3 Months-6 Months
  • Babies babble and amuse themselves with new noises
  • They communicate pain, fear, loneliness, and discomfort through crying
  • Babies turn their heads to locate sounds
  • They make many vowel-consonant sounds
  • Babies make two-syllable sounds/(ma ma ma)
  • They respond to simple phrases with specific non-verbal response (“Want a drink?”Baby will shake their heads; “Let’s go for a ride.” Your child gets excited.)
6 Months-9 Months
  • Babies make wet razzing sounds
  • They imitate many sounds/imitate vocal intonation patterns of others
  • Babies combine two different syllables in vocal play (da-dee, or ma-mee)
  • They vocalize to gain attention
  • Babies respond to their own name
9 Months-12 Months
  • Babies say “ma-ma” and “da-da”
  • They understand “no”
  • Babies use single words appropriately (hot or cookie)
  • They follow simple verbal direction accompanied by gestures or physical cues (“give me your hands”)
Knowledge Growth
*From birth on babies intellectual growth is expanding continually, they are taking EVERYTHING in! Reading and talking to your baby is ALWAYS a great way to stimulate intellectual growth! Infants can look for periods of time at faces and patterns with contrasting patterns.
Birth- 3 Months
  • Babies need daily tactual, visual, auditory, and movement stimulation
3 Months- 6 Months
  • Babies explore objects with their mouths
  • They touch new objects inquisitively
  • Babies play with their own hands or feet
  • They experiment with the concept of cause and effect
  • Babies begin to use their hands in a raking motion to bring toys near
  • They track faces and objects with contrasting colors
  • Babies bat at overhead objects
  • They open their mouth for spoon feeding
  • Babies anticipate some familiar daily events based on sensory cues
  • They look for dropped toys
6 Months-9 Months
  • Babies will turn in the direction of a voice
  • They continue a familiar activity shared with adult by movement and/or vocalization
  • Babies love to play peek-a-boo
  • They combine three or more behaviors when exploring a toy (shakes, mouths, pats)/play with toys by taking advantage of the best characteristics of each (rolls ball, shakes bell, crumples paper)
  • Babies start to look at pictures in books
  • They experiment by throwing, dropping, shaking and banging objects
  • Babies put down one object deliberately to reach for another
  • They will reach into a container to get an object out
  • Babies will reach for utensils when being feed
  • Your baby will turn away when they are finished eating
  • They test gravity by dropping objects over the edge of their high chair
  • Babies respond to their own name
  • They move (scoot or crawl) to obtain objects when given a visual or auditory clue
  • Babies have developed a more conscious memory
  • They begin to identify themselves in a mirror
9 Months-12 Months
  • Babies wave bye-bye and throw kisses
  • They will put objects into containers and then take them out again
  • Babies will shake their heads “no”
  • They put one object into another
 Social Growth
*Babies are social by nature. Babies need adults to love and care for them. Adults that respond to a babies needs, build strong, nurturing relationships, resulting in secure attachments. This relationship will distinguish how a child views the world. Babies NEED a safe, secure environment that includes loving adults.
Birth-3 Month
  • Babies prefer the human face to other shapes
  • They turn towards familiar sounds and voices
  • Babies begin to develop a social smile
  • They cuddle or snuggle when held by familiar person
  • Babies recognizes familiar people by vocalizing, smiling or ceasing to cry
  • They pat or pull at adult features
3 Months-6 Months
  • Babies will make eye contact
  • They comfort themselves in some ways
  • Babies copy some facial expressions
  • They distinguish emotions by the tone of voice
  • Babies reach for a familiar person when spoken to
  • They occupy themselves without crying
  • Babies show response to own name
6 Months- 9 Months
  • Babies have specific cries for various needs
  • They have different reactions to various family members
  • Babies show some anxiety when removed from parents
  • They plays 2 interactive games (peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake)
  • Babies hug and kiss familiar members
  • They direct vocalization to people and toys
9 Months-12 Months
  • Babies begin to identify self in the mirror
  • They play independently beside another child
  • Babies repeat actions which get laughter and attention
  • They participate in finger plays with adult
  • Babies attempt simple chores (carries plastic dish, helps put toy away)
  • They take part in simple game with other child or adult (rolling ball, car, etc...)
  • Babies initiate their own play activities
  • They enjoy book/story time with adult
  • Babies pull at another person to gain attention
  • They wait up to 5 minutes for needs to be met (in high chair, car, etc…)
  • Babies share objects/food with one other child when requested
Physical Growth
*Right from birth, babies are growing and developing.
Birth-3 Months
  • Babies are sucking, rooting, and grasping
  • Their hands are fascinating to them as they tug, pull, and make fists
  • Babies can raise their heads slightly while lying on their stomach
3 Months-6 Months
  • Babies are reaching, grasping, and putting objects into their mouths
  • They are rolling over
  • Babies will push their bodies forward and pull themselves up
6 Months-9 Months
  • Babies are crawling and discovering their world
  • They reach for, grasp, and pull objects towards them
  • Babies can transfer objects from hand to hand
9 Months-12 Months
  • Babies can sit without support
  • They will stand
  • Babies can walk with help
  • They love to roll balls
  • Babies will drop and pick up toys
  • They can pick objects up using their thumb and one finger
Creative Growth
All babies love parent’s sing-song voices as the whisper lullabies. Babies are soothed by soft music. Children, even in their first year, will create their own art. Every person is born a creative human being.
Birth- 3 Months
  • Babies will calm themselves listening to a lullaby
  • They are interested in circular and spiral patterns
3 Months-6 Months
  • Babies respond to all colors and shades
6 Months- 9 Months
  • Babies will scribble when given colors
  • They finger paint
9 Months- 12 Months
  • Babies love music and will move in time with it
  • They will play with small pieces of play dough
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