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Check-Ups for Kindergartener's

Print off the "Check-Ups" and get started!


Language Growth
O  Your child uses longer complex sentences.
Read your child a familiar or favorite book.
O  Your child can retell the story.
O  Your child is clearly understood when they speak.
O Your child “reads” environmental print (ie…Target, McDonalds, Burger King, etc…)
Ask your child, “Hop on one foot, put up three fingers, and walk backwards.”
O Your child can carry out the three directions without help.
O Your child can tell you when they are sick, cold, hungry, etc…
Run off the Word Game on Family. Point to family members and ask your child to name the people.
O Your child can identify family member names (sister, brother, grandmother, etc…).
O Your child can tell a favorite story in their own words (Their birthday party, something funny that happened to them, a special event, etc…).
O  Your child can do the Check-Up “Rhyming Fun”
O  Your child can do the Check-Up “Starting Sounds”
O Your child can do the Check-Up “Ending Sounds”
O Your child can do the Check-Up “Hearing Sounds in Words”
O Your child listens to longer, more involved stories and talks about them.
Clever K’s
Social Growth
  O Your child can change their routine without a fuss.
O Your child looks at the person they are talking with.
OYour child will wait up to 15 minutes to get their needs met.
O Your child likes to socialize with their peers.
O Your child enjoys doing activities away from home.
O Your child can tell the roles of family members (Mom is a dentist, brother goes to school…)
O Your child says, “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” and “I’m sorry,” without reminders.
OYour child listens to directions and follows them when give in a group situation.
O Your child helps set and clear the table.
O Your child combs their hair, brushes their teeth, uses the bathroom on their own, and can bathe independently.
OYour child can work on an activity by themselves for 15-20 minutes.
Clever K’s
Physical Growth
O Your child can throw a ball overhand.
O Your child can hop, gallop, skip, run, and climb.
O Your child can sit cross-legged on the floor.
O Your child can hang from an overhead bar with weight on their arms.
O Your child can walk forward a short distance on a balance beam.
OYour child can run backwards and jump backwards.
O Your child can bounce, throw, and catch a ball.
O Your child can touch their thumb to each finger individually.
O Your child can form simple shapes with clay (ball, snake, pancake, etc…)
O Your child can lace a sewing card.
OYour child can fold and crease a paper vertically.
O Your child can use a scissors and cut a straight line.
O Your child can do the Check-Up “Writing the ABC’s.”
O Your child writes with a thumb-forefinger grasp.
O Your child can button, zip, Velcro, and tie.
Clever K’s
Knowledge Growth
O Your child can tell you their full name, age, telephone number, and family members.
Ask your child, “What are you going to do today? What   did you do last night? What did you do yesterday? What are you thinking about doing tomorrow?
O Your child understands the concepts of today, last night, yesterday, and tomorrow.
Run off the Bingo Word Game on Weather. Point to rainy, sunny, snowy, and windy.
OYour child can identify the type of weather.
O Your child can sort silverware, socks, and shoes.
Ask your child, “Count to ten for me.”
O Your child can count to ten.
Gather ten objects. Ask your child to count them; first put out six objects, then
O Your child can count the various numbers of objects.
Gather three objects. Ask your child, “Point to the object that is in the middle. Point to the object that is last. Point to the object that is first.
O Your child can point to the middle, last, and first object correctly.
Run off the Word Game on Shapes. Ask your child to point to the square, triangle, circle, and rectangle.
O Your child can point to the square, triangle, circle, and rectangle.
O Your child recognizes their own name in print.
O Your child likes to participate in family traditions.
Ask your child, “Can you give me three napkins, two napkins, and five napkins.” (Other objects can be used.)
OYour child can give you three, two, and five napkins when asked.
Read your child a familiar story.
O Your child can tell you the sequence of events in the story.
O Your child can do the Check-Up “Rhyming Fun.”
Run off the Word Game on Colors. Point to a color and ask your child to name the color.
O Your child can tell you the name of the color you point to.
Ask your child to draw you a picture of themselves. Then ask them to tell you about their picture.
O Your child’s drawing will have details of hair, eyes, a mouth, two arms, a hand, and two legs. They will tell you all the things they have drawn.
OYour child can pass all of the Check-Ups for Pre-Reading Skills.
Clever K’s
Creative Growth
OYour child can change their routine without a fuss.
O Your child looks at the person they are talking with.
O Your child will wait up to 15 minutes to get their needs met.
O Your child likes to socialize with their peers.
O Your child enjoys doing activities away from home.
O Your child can tell the roles of family members (Mom is a dentist, brother goes to school…)
O Your child says, “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” and “I’m sorry,” without reminders.
OYour child listens to directions and follows them when give in a group situation.
O Your child helps set and clear the table.
O Your child combs their hair, brushes their teeth, uses the bathroom on their own, and can bathe themselves.
O  Your child can work on an activity by themselves for 15-20 minutes.




Kindergarten Check-Ups (Tests)
Check-Ups are important to keep track of your kindergartener's progress!


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