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Check-Ups for Preschoolers

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Language Growth
Ask your child, “What is your full name?”
O  Your preschooler can tell you their full name.
Ask your child, “What is our address?”
O Your child can tell you their full address.
Ask your child to follow three step directions. Say, “Can you touch your toes, pat your head, and spin around.”
O Your child can do all three directions without help.
O Your child can do the Check-Up Rhyming Fun.
Ask your child, “What do we put our food into to keep it cold.”
O Your child will answer, “The refrigerator.”
Ask your child, “Repeat these three numbers…7, 9, 4.”
O Your child answers, “7, 9, 4.”
Perceptive Preschoolers
Social Growth
O  Your preschooler likes consistent rules.
O Your child enjoys helping.
O Your preschooler asks for help when they need it.
O  Your child enjoys playing with children their age.
O Your preschooler expresses their feelings.
O Your child shares and takes their turn.
O Your preschooler cooperates with adult requests most of the time.
O Your child engages with imaginative play with other children.
O Your preschooler can wipe and blow their nose independently.
O Your child has gained self-confidence.
O Your preschooler can wash their hands.
Perceptive Preschoolers
Physical Growth
O  Your child can build a tower of blocks.
O  Your preschooler can dress themselves independently.
O  Your child can walk on a line and balance on one foot.
O Your preschooler can walk backwards and sideways.
O  Your child can march to music.
O Your preschooler can keep a swing going once they are started.
O Your child can put together nesting toys.
O Your preschooler can string beads.
O Your child can open doors, drawers, and cabinets with a variety of latches.
O  Your child can use scissors.
O Your preschooler has mastered Velcro, snaps, zippers, and bigger buttons.
O Your child can peel bananas, oranges, and eggs.
O  Your preschooler can eat using a spoon and fork by themselves.
O  Your child can hold a pencil with an adult grip.
O Your preschooler can run, tiptoe, and jump.
Perceptive Preschoolers
Knowledge Growth
Ask your child, “Tell me your full name and address.”
O Your child can tell you their full name and address.
Ask your child, “What is your phone number?
O Your child can tell you their phone number.
Ask your child, “Count to ten for me.”
O Your child can count to ten.
You will need a box. Ask your child to point to the top of the box, the bottom of the box, the front of the box, the back of the box, and the side of the box.
O Your child pointed to the top, bottom, front, back, and side of the box.
Ask your child to point to their ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, feet, legs, and hands.
O  Your child points to their ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, feet, legs, and hands.
Run off the Word Game on Shapes. Ask your child to point to the triangle, circle, square, and rectangle.
O Your child points to the triangle, circle, square, and rectangle.
You will need five objects. Put out three objects, then five objects, then two objects, then four objects, and finally one object.
O Your child can tell you how many objects are set out 1-5.
Run off the Word Game on Colors. Ask your child point out the colors red, green, yellow, blue, purple, and black.
O  Your child can point to the colors red, green, yellow, blue, purple, and black.
O Your child can do the Check-Up Sheet, The Sights and Sounds of the ABC’s.
O Your child can do the Check-Up Sheet Writing the ABC’s.
O Your child can do the Check-Up Sheet How a Book Works.
Perceptive Preschoolers
Creative Growth
O Your preschooler enjoys a fantasy life.
O Your child likes to dress up.
O  Your preschooler likes to paint and draw.
O Your child likes to create their own books.
O Your preschooler likes to create jewelry and/or toys.
O Your child likes to play and sing their own music.
O Your preschooler likes to dance and sing songs.
O  Your child likes to tell their own stories.



Preschooler's Check-Ups
Print off the check-ups for your preschooler!


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