Talented Toddlers
Print off this "Check-Up" for toddler's and get started!
Language Growth
Say to your toddler, “Pick up the pencil for me.”
O Your toddler picks up the pencil.
Ask your toddler, “What are you doing?”
O Your toddler will tell you what they are doing (i.e.… playing, eating, reading)
Say to your toddler, “Can you get me your doll (truck, cup, ball)?”
O Your toddler will be able to return with what you asked for.
Ask your toddler, “What is this?” (Point to three familiar objects that they can name.)
O Your toddler should tell you the name of three objects.
Ask your toddler, “Do you like cookies?”
O They should answer, “Yes” or “No.”
Ask your toddler, “Can you ask me a question.”
O Your toddler should ask you a question.
Ask your toddler, “Can you touch your nose, your mouth, your hair, your eyes, your ears, and your hand.”
O Your toddler should touch their mouth, hair, eyes, ears, and hands.
Ask your child, “What is your name?”
O Your child should tell you their name.
Ask your child, “How old are you?”
O Your child should tell you how old they are.
Talented Toddlers
Social Growth
O Your toddler is drinking out of a cup.
O Your toddler can dress themselves with minimal help.
O Your toddler can undress themselves with minimal help.
O Your toddler is using the toilet.
O Your toddler uses objects and pretends to play with them (cooking, tea parties, truck play, block play etc…)
O Your toddler feeds themselves at meal time.
Show your toddler a picture of themselves. Ask your toddler, “Who is this?”
O Your toddler recognizes themselves.
O Your toddler will put things away. (Books, toys, blocks, tricycles, etc…)
Talented Toddlers
Physical Growth
O Your toddler can throw a ball forward.
O Your toddler can catch a large ball when it is thrown to them.
O Your child can walk forwards and backwards on their own.
O Your toddler can kick a large ball.
O Your toddler can walk up and down stairs with a railing.
O Your toddler can run.
O Your child can walk on their tiptoes.
O Your toddler can ride and push themselves on a push toy.
O Your toddler can hold a crayon and scribble.
O Your child can hold their cup independently to drink.
O Your toddler can feed themselves with a spoon.
O Your child can remove their socks, hat, coat, pants, and shoes independently.
O Your toddler can jump in place with both feet.
O Your child can stand on one foot.
O Your toddler can walk in a straight line.
O Your child can pedal a tricycle.
O Your toddler can turn thicker book pages by themselves.
O Your child put nesting toys together.
O Your toddler can string bigger beads.
O Your child can hold crayons, markers, and paint brush with thumb and finger instead of a fist hold.
O Your toddler can draw circles, dots, and lines with a crayon.
O Your child can roll, pound, and squeeze play dough.
Talented Toddlers
Knowledge Growth
Ask your toddler, “Put your arms up in the air. Put your arms down to the ground.”
O Your toddler will put their arms up and put them down when asked to do so.
Ask your toddler, “What does a dog say? What does a cat say? What does a cow say? What does a pig say?”
OYour toddler will make the noise of a dog, a cat, a cow, and a pig.
Put out two pairs (4 shoes and 4 socks) of your toddlers shoes and socks. Ask your toddler, “Can you match the shoes and socks?”
O Your toddler will match the correct shoes and socks into pairs.
Put out two red objects, two blue objects, two yellow objects, and two green objects. Ask your toddler, “Can you match the objects that are the same colors?”
O Your toddler matches the red, blue, yellow, and green objects.
Ask your toddler when pointing to an object what color it is? (Point to the colors red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, and black.)
O Your toddler can tell you the colors red, blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, and black.
Put out three objects and ask your toddler, “How many are there?” (Do also two and one object.)
OYour toddler will tell you there are one, two, or three objects.
Ask your child, “What is your name?”
O Your child will tell you their name.
Ask your child, “How old are you and can you show me how many fingers that is?”
O Your child will tell you how old they are and show you that amount of fingers.
Talented Toddlers
Creative Growth
O Your toddler will dance freely to music.
O Your child likes to make their own creations.
O Your toddler hums or sings along to their favorite songs.
O Your child likes to create with finger paints, clay, markers, crayons, and paints.
O Your child enjoys a fantasy life of pretend.
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