Check List of Milestones for Toddler's
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Language Growth
- They listen and join into rhymes and songs
- They remember and repeat rhymes and songs
- Toddlers use one-word as requests (“drink” or “water” or “more”)
- They ask for common items by name (milk, cookie, sock)
- Toddlers point and gesture to communicate
- They repeat everything they hear so make it a game
- Toddlers ability to understand and speak are developing rapidly
- They use phrases (“more drink” and “dad read”)
- Toddlers will tell you about their own activity (“eat cookie” or “go potty”)
- They understand and use sentences (“I go down.” Or “Give it to me.”)
- Toddlers will give or touch specific objects on request
- They can name things and places (animals, clothing, zoo, kitchen…)
- They answer “yes” or “no” when asked a question
- They ask and answer simple questions
- They continually ask questions to make sense of their World/Who? What? When? Where? Why?
- Toddlers can follow one step directions
- They will name familiar objects, people, pets, when asked
- Toddlers can point to at least six body parts and name them
- They love to listen to stories and ask to be read favorite stories
- They understand actions and events in simple stories
- Toddlers can tell events that happen during the day
- They will name objects on the description given
- Toddlers listen closely to conversations
- They can tell you their age and name
Knowledge Growth
- Toddlers love to be read to, they pretend to read books, and ask questions about what is being read
- They put objects into containers before removing them
- Toddlers respond to simple requests (touch your nose…)
- They can solve simple puzzles and start to solve more complex puzzles
- Toddlers demonstrate the concept of up and down (“put the spoon down”)
- They like games
- Toddlers experiment with objects to discover what they do
- They repeat actions (opening and closing)
- Toddlers show anticipation of events when a verbal cue is provided (“let’s go outside” and they go to the closet for their coat)
- They remember and find hidden objects
- Toddlers place shapes into correct slots
- Toddlers match shapes (circles, squares, triangles…)
- They use trial and error to solve problems
- Toddlers take apart and put objects back together
- Toddlers give or touch specific objects on request
- They know animal sounds
- Toddlers can find details in pictures
- They are explorers of their surroundings/cabinets and drawers
- Toddlers match objects identical to given objects (shoes, socks, mittens)
- Toddlers match big and little objects
- They love nursery rhymes they will join in and repeat them
- Toddlers can group objects by categories
- They can sort objects by size, shape, or color
- Toddlers can match colors and name colors
- They remember events and places
- Toddlers understand quantities
- They understand events happen in a certain order
- Toddlers can pick out objects when their function is described (“what do you brush your teeth with?”)
- They can point out smaller body parts (fingers, thumb, toes…)
- Toddlers will point to body parts when you describe their function (“show me what you hear with?”
- They can tell you their name and their age or hold up their fingers
- Toddlers can name 3 familiar musical instruments by their sound
Social Growth
- Toddlers love to imitate adult behaviors and activities
- They comfort others in distress and show affection
- Toddlers can play by oneself for a period of time
- They give up the bottle
- Toddlers are expanding their self-help skills; dressing and undressing, toileting
- Toddlers can wash their hands, help with their bath, and brush their teeth
- They enjoy parallel play; engage in solitary activities near other children
- They enjoy playing with other children
- Toddlers will use objects to pretend within their play
- They love to participate in simple activities of singing, clapping, and dancing
- Toddlers like routines
- They love meal times with family and have self-feeding skills
- Toddlers express a wide range of emotions
- They recognize themselves in pictures
- Toddlers love to look in the mirror and smile and make faces
- They are helpful and will put things away
- Toddlers can understand and follow simple rules
- They enjoy hearing familiar stories repeated; they will participate in story telling
- Toddlers use “please” and “thank you”
- They greet familiar people
Physical Growth
- Toddlers can throw a ball forward
- They can catch large balls
- They can walk forwards and backwards
- Toddlers love to kick large balls
- They can walk up and down stairs holding a railing
- Toddlers love to climb!
- They can run and run and run
- Toddlers can walk on their tiptoes
- Toddlers ride on push toys
- They love to scribble
- Toddlers hold their cup independently while drinking
- They can feed themselves with a spoon
- Toddlers can remove socks, hat, coat, pants and shoes independently
- They can zip a zipper
- Toddlers can jump in place with both feet
- They can stand on one foot
- Toddlers like to walk on a straight line
- They can pedal tricycle
- Toddlers can somersault forward
- They can climb toddler slide, jungle gym, and ladders
Fine Motor Growth
- Toddlers can manipulates objects with many moving parts
- They can remove rings from pegs or pegs from a board or pound pegs with a hammer
- Toddlers can pull apart and put together pop-beads
- They can turn pages of a book (thicker books are ideal)
- Toddlers can stack blocks
- They love to scribble with crayon
- Toddlers use mechanical means to activate a toy (pulls ring or turns know of music box)
- They can places objects through small opening/hole in lid of bottle or box
- Toddlers can completes puzzle with circle, square, and triangle
- They love to put together nesting toy
- Toddlers can string beads and lace objects
- They can hold crayons, markers, and paint brush with thumb and finger instead of fist
- Toddlers can draw and paint with wrist action, making circles, dots, and lines
- They love to roll, pound, and squeeze play dough
- Toddlers draw lines and circles
- They begin to use scissors
- Toddlers hold a spoon with adult grasp and pierce food with fork and bring to mouth
- They snap and unsnap snaps and button buttons
- Toddlers can turn pages of a book one at a time
- They can put fitted lids on bowls and pans/put screw lids on jars
- Toddlers can unwrap small objects and tear paper into strips
- They can hold a pencil with thumb and finger in adult grasp
Creative Growth
- Toddlers respond to simple requests
- Toddlers love to dance freely to songs
- They love to use and explore color
- Toddlers will make their own creations
- They hum and sing along to favorite songs
- Toddlers have great imaginations and like to tell their own stories
- They love to create with finger paints, clay, markers, crayons, and paint
- They like to play with water and sand
- Toddlers enjoy quite a fantasy life
- They love to dress up
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