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Read the preschooler game "Listening for Letter Sounds" online or print it off and play!

Listening for Letter Sounds
  • copies of sentences     
  • scissors
  • box
Directions for Listening for Letter Sounds:
1.      Run off the sentences and cut them up.
2.      Put them in a box.
Directions to Play:
1.      Read the sentences out loud. Then the player has to repeat the sentence.
2.     The player needs to say the letter that most of the words in the sentence begin with.
3.     If the player gets the correct letter they get to keep the sentence.
4.     The player with the most sentences at the end of the game wins.
*Betsy and Billy buy big blue balls.
*Cats can catch cunning canaries.
*Denise does drawings and doodles daily.
*Freddy flips French fries first on Friday.
*Greta gets giggly going to Grandma’s.
*Harry and Hazel have huge hot hamburgers.
*Jenny juggles just in June.
*Kyle and Kelly keep kangaroos in Kentucky.
*Lindsey and Lucy like to lick lollipops.
*Matt and Mary make maps mainly on Monday.
*Nate and Nicky need nice new notebooks.
*Paula and Penny pick pink petunias.
*Quinn quietly questioned the Queen.
*Rose ran rapidly racing Ron running.
*Sally sipped soda sitting silently.
*Ted and Tina twirled and twisted twenty times.
*Van and Viennese vowed vocally to vote.
*Willy and Wayne were wonderful wizards.
*Zack and Zelda zip zippers with zest.
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Listening for Letter Sounds

Learning a new preschooler game is spectacular early learning fun!




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