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Read the preschooler game "The Taste Test" online or print it off and play!

The Taste Test
1.      Make up index cards that say salty, sweet, sour, and bitter.
2.     Give your child an example of a food from each area.
3.     Then have them try other foods you have gathered and put into one of the categories.
4.     As they try new food you can talk about their taste.
Ideas for Food Area
Salty                                                Sour
salt                                          dill pickle
baking soda                            lemon
pretzels                                   vinegar
potato chips
Sweet                                      Bitter
sugar                                  cream of tarter
cookies                               unsweetened chocolate                             basil leaves
ice cream
sweet pickle
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Perceptive Preschooler's Games
The Taste Test

Learning a new preschooler game is spectacular early learning fun!





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