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Read this toddler game "Explore the World" online or print it off!

Explore the World
*Make every day and adventure!
*Ask your child to come up with a list of adventures they would like to do and then do them.
Example of list:
1.     Walk around the block and look at the house colors.
2.     Walk around the block and take a close look at the trees.
3.     Draw a picture on the side walk with chalk for everyone to enjoy.
4.     Walk around the block and look at all the different flowers.
5.     Go to the library and look for books on a certain subject you child is interested in.
6.     Discover a new book at the library and they tell the family about the new book they discovered.
7.     Write a book.
8.     Find a new store and discover what is in it.
9.     Go to a restaurant to order a food you have not tasted before.
10.   Go to a market to discover all the vegetables that are carried there (fruits, honey, flowers etc...)
11. Go to a pet store to ask questions about a certain animal.
12. Have a neighbor over so you can find out more about them.
13. Write a letter and mail it to a friend, relative, or place you are interested in getting information from.
14.Visit places in your community.
15.Go to an airport, museum, or zoo.
16.Let your creativity run wild as you discover the world.



Talented Toddler Games
Explore the World

Learning a new toddler game is spectacular early learning fun!

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