Tuesday, February 18, 2025    Login  



Read this toddler game "Letter Find" online or print it off!

Letter Find
*With your child write all of the letters, capital and small letters, on sturdy paper or foam cut outs.
*Scatter the letters around the room with your child, as you set them down say the letter and things that start with that letter.
*Once you have scattered the letters ask your child to find a letter.   Find the letter Bb boy, balloon, and baby start with the letter Bb.
*When your child finds the letter they can put it in a pile. Watch the letter pile grow.
(If your child has trouble finding a letter, help them find it, then talk about the letter together, and then leave the letter in its place and ask for the letter later.)
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Talented Toddler Games
Letter Find

Learning a new toddler game is spectacular early learning fun!

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