Tuesday, July 16, 2024    Login  



Read this toddler game "Your Child Understands" online or print it off!

Your Toddler Understands the Concepts of “Yes” and “NO
*Give your toddler choices, “Do you want to have peas or beans?” “When you get dressed do you want to wear the blue coat or the red coat?”
*You are the parent and when you say “NO” stand by your answer. Children understand the concept and you have to let them know when you say “NO” it means “NO.”
*Don’t be a wishy washy parent. If you say “NO” but you give in if your child whines or asks long enough…kids learn VERY quickly you are a push over. 
*Set clear limits and guidelines and kids understand the rules plus you will have well behaved children.


Talented Toddler Games

Your Toddler Understands

Learning a new toddler game is spectacular early learning fun!


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