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Print off the "Check-Up Numbers 0-100" and see if you have mastered the numbers!

Check-Up Numbers 0-100
*On index cards write the numbers 21, 57, 88, 35, and 72. Ask your child to read each number.
0 My child knows the numbers 0-100.
*Take the index cards from above (21, 57, 88, 35, and 72) and mix them up and have your child put them in order from smallest to greatest numbers.
0 My child can order numbers smallest to greatest.
*With the Tens/Ones game board put out 37, 23, and 75 counters. Ask your child to identify the value.
0 My child identified the value of each number.
*Ask your child, “How many ways can you think to make the number 48.”
0 Your child needs to come up with three answers. (Example: 20+28, 40+8, 24+24, etc…)
*Ask your child to skip count by 5’s to 50 and 9’s to 90.
0 My child says:
0My child can skip count.
*Ask your child to skip count backwards by 6’s starting at 36.
O My child says 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6.
*Ask your child, “Are 17, 9, 43, 67 and 75 even or odd numbers?”
0 My child answers odd.
*Put out 2 quarters, 4 dimes, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies. Ask your child to count the money out loud and tell you how much money they have.
0 My child counts correctly and answers, $.98.
*Tell your child, “I bought ice cream for $1.37 and I gave the clerk $2.00. How much change will I get back?” First estimate and then tell me the exact amount of change.
0 My child answers about either $.60 because I rounded up to $1.40 or $.70 I rounded down to $1.30. The exact change is $.63.
*Pretend there are 58 pieces of candy on this plate. I have some more pieces of candy on this plate. All together there are 81 pieces of candy. How many pieces of candy are on the second plate?
O You child answers 23.
*Pretend there are 22 pieces of candy on this plate and 45 pieces of candy on this plate. How many pieces of candy all together?
0 Your child answers 67.
*What do 46 and 38 add up to?
O Your child answers 84.
*Write this problem on a wipe off board: 37+27=
O Your child writes the answer 64.
*Write this problem on a wipe off board:
O Your child writes the answer 34.
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Numbers 0 to 100
Check-Up for Numbers 0 to 100

Learning the numbers 0-100 is fantastic  learning fun! 




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