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Adding and Subtracting to $1.00
Before Playing:
1. You will need 4 quarters, 2 half dollars, and 10 dimes, 20 nickels, and 25 pennies.
1. Go over how much each coin is worth. Count up each coin values.
2. Take turns asking for certain amounts of money up to $1.00. Can you give that amount in other coins? What is the least amount of coins to make that amount?
3. Put out two amounts of coins up to $1.00. Then add up the two amounts of money. Then write down the two amounts on a wipe off board to see if you added them correctly.
4. Put out two amounts of coins up to $1.00. Then see which amount of coins is the highest and subtract the two amounts of coins. Then write down the two amounts on a wipe off board to see if you subtracted correctly.
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Adding and Subtracting Money Amounts Up to a Dollar
Adding and Subtracting to $1.00

Addition and Subtraction is important early learning fun!



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