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Print off this "Leveling Systems" chart to help you with leveled books!


Wisdom Level

Guided Reading DRA Level Lexile Level Grade Level
1 A-B 1-2 * Pre&K
2 C 3 * Pre&K
3 D 4 * Pre&K
4 E 6-8 *


5 F 10 * 1st
6 G 12 * 1st
7 H 14 * 1st
8 I 16 * 1st
9 J 18 300-349 2nd
10 K 20 350-399 2nd
11 L 24 400-449 2nd
12 M 28 450-499 2nd
13 N 30 500-599 3rd
14 O 34  600-649 3rd
15 P 38 650-699 3rd
16 Q 40 700-749 3rd 
17 R 40 750-799 4th
18 S 44 800-849 4th
19 T 44 850-899 5th
20 U * 900-949 5th
21 V * 950-962 5th
22 W * 963-975 6th
23 X * 976-987 6th
24 Y * 988-999 7th
25 Z * 1000-1050 8th



Book Level Chart

There are various reading leveling systems so here is a chart to help see how they all fit together!

Printable Preview:


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