Monday, March 31, 2025    Login  

Math Activity

Print off the Money Activity "Rounding Money to the Nearest Dollar" and start learning!

Rounding Money to the Nearest Dollar


1. One person states a dollar amount. (Example: $4.78)

2. The next person has to round the dollar amount to the nearest dollar.
(Answer: $5.00)

3. You play until you are a genius at rounding money to the nearest dollar.

*This game can be played anywhere; on the bus, in the car, on a walk, etc...

*You round the dollar amount UP if the cents are worth $.50 or more.

*You round the dollar amount DOWN if the cents are worth $.49 or less.

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Rounding Money to the Nearest Dollar
It is very important to learn all the different 
types of measurement! 

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