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 Check List

Print off this "Check List" and see how your baby masters the language skills!

Birth to 3 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Listens to speech.
  • Awakens at loud sound.
  • Turns to you when you speak.
  • Smiles when spoken to.
  • Stops activity to pay attention to an unfamiliar voice.
  • Repeats the same sound a lot (cooing, gooing).
  • Cries differently for different needs.
  • Smiles when he/she sees you.
3 to 6 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Responds to "No" and changes in tone of voice.
  • Looks around for the source of new sounds, e.g., vacuum, doorbell, dog.
  • Notices toys that make sounds.
  • Pays attention to music.
  • Stops activity to pay attention to an unfamiliar voice.
  • Makes babbling sounds that are speech-like, including "p", "b" and "m."
  • Makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing with you.
  • Tells you by sound or gesture when he/she wants you to do something.
6 to 9 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
  • Listens when spoken to.
  • Turns and looks up when you call his/her name.
  • Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds such as "tata upup bibibibi."
  • Uses speech or non-crying sounds to get attention.
9 to 12 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Recognizes words for common items like "cup," "shoe," "juice."
  • Begins to respond to requests ("Come here," "Want more?").
  • Imitates different speech sounds.
  • Has one or two words ("Bye-bye," "Dada,", "Mama," "No").
12 to 18 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Points to pictures in a book when named.
  • Points to a few body parts when asked.
  • Follows simple commands ("Sit down," "Let go").
  • Says more words every month.
  • Uses some one- or two-word questions ("Where kitty?" "Go bye-bye?").
18 to 24 Months
   Understanding and Hearing
  • Follows simple commands ("Roll the ball," "Kiss the baby").
  • Understands simple questions ("Where is your shoe?").
  • Listens more carefully to simple stories and songs and rhymes.
  • Puts two words together ("More cookie," "No juice").
  • Uses many different consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
  • Asks for items by name (doll, ball, cookie).




Babies Language Development

Talking, reading, and babbling to your baby is important learning fun! 

Listen to the check list of, "Babies Language Development "

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