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Print off this Check-Up for "How a Book Works!"

Check-Up for How a Book Works 
You will need a book for this Check-Up.
Ask your child, “Show me the front of the book?”
O Your child points to the cover of the book or the first page.
Ask your child, “Show me the back of the book?”
O Your child points to the back of the book or the back page.
Ask your child, “What is an author?”
O Your child will answer that it is the person who writes the book.
Ask your child, “What does the illustrator do?”
O Your child will answer that it is the person who draws the pictures or illustrates the book.
Open the book to the first page and ask your child, “Where do I start reading?”
O Your child will point to the text or words on the page.
On the same page ask your child, “Show me which way I go to read on this page?”
O Your child will point at the words going from left to right.
*Read a couple of pages to your child. You can point to the words as you read but make sure you are reading fluently.
Ask your child on a page with more than one line of text, “When I get to the end of the line of words on this page where do I go to keep reading?”


Print off ALL of the check-Ups for How a Book Works




Check-Up for "How a Book Works"

Learning how a book works is an early learning adventure!

Ideas on how to give the Check-Up for "How a Book Works"


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