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Reading Strategies Chart

Print off the Reading Strategies chart to help you use your strategies! 



Reading Strategies Game

Print off the Reading Strategies Game to play over and over again!
  When we read we use strategies to help us understand what we are reading.
Meaning- We always need to understand what we read.
Sentence Structure- Does our reading make sense and sound the way you talk?
Word Wisdom-We have to know how words work; visually and phonetically (sounds).
1. On index cards write the words; Meaning, Sentence Structure, and Word Wisdom.
2. Print off or write the questions on index cards. On the back of the index card write the correct strategy or strategies.
3. The player picks a card and tells what strategy they are using; Meaning, Sentence Structure, or Word Wisdom.
1. I looked at the picture to help me.
2. I did a picture walk before I read.
3. I thought about what I knew about the book.
4. I made a prediction about the story.
5. I reread the sentence because it did not make sense.
(Sentence Structure)
6. I reread to keep the meaning.
(Sentence Structureand Meaning)
7. The sentence did not make sense so I stopped.
(Sentence Structure)
8. The word did not look right.
(Word Wisdom)
9. The word did not make sense.
(Sentence Structure and Word Wisdom)
10. I went through the word and looked for what I knew.
(Word Wisdom)
11. I got the word started and worked my way through the word.
(Word Wisdom)
12. I knew the end part of the word and I knew another word that
started the same way.
(Word Wisdom)
13. I looked for sight words.
(Word Wisdom)
14. I had written the word family.
(Word Wisdom)
15. I looked for parts of the word I knew and reread to see if it made
(Sentence Structureand Word Wisdom)
16. I ask myself questions as I am reading.
17. I ask what a word means.
(Meaningand Word Wisdom)
18. I try to figure out the clues given in the story.
19. I am always thinking as I am reading.
20. I ask questions when I don’t understand something I am reading.
21. I make pictures in my head as I am reading.
22. I can tell you about the story after I have read it.
23. I can tell you the main idea of the story.
24. I use my prior knowledge to understand the story.
25. I laugh at the funny parts.
26. I understand the word after I sound it out.
(Word Wisdom)
27. I change my predictions when I gain new knowledge.
28. I can tell you about events in the story.
29. I read, “I went to it was story.” What am I having problems with?
(Sentence Structure)
30. I read, “ The rabbit was hop down the row.”
What am I having problems with?
(Sentence Structure and Word Wisdom)



Reading Strategies

Reading strategies will help you to read and understand what you are reading! I love to read!

Listen and play the Reading Strategies game with Mrs. Grandt! 

Early Reading Strategies

Higher Level Reading Strategies

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