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Math Game


Print off the Time Activity "The Clock Games" and get started!

The Clock Games



1. You will need a teaching clock that has the minute and hour hand on it. You can make one or purchase one.

2.The first game is to tell the time to the hour. Start by talking about the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand. Start at 1 o’clock and go all the way to 12 o’clock. Then mix it up, telling the time to the hour.

3. Next, talk about a half hour. Start by talking about that there are 60 minutes in an hour so a half hour is 30 minutes. Start at 1:30 (one, thirty) and go to 12:30 (twelve, thirty). Then mix it up, telling the time to the half hour.

4.Next, talk about a quarter of an hour. Start by counting by 5’s, on the clock, up to 60. Then point to the 3, on a clock, and say this is 15 minutes. Then point to the 6, on a clock, and say this is 30 minutes. Then point to the 9, on a clock, and say this is 45 minutes. Then point to the 12, on a clock, and say this is 60 minutes or an hour. Then mix it up, telling the time to a quarter of an hour. Go over and over this concept.

5.Last talk about the minutes. Start by saying there are 60 minutes on a clock. Then count by ones up to sixty. Then mix it up, telling the time to the minute. Go over and over this concept.

Play the Clock Games until you are a master clock reader!!!

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The Clock Game
It is very important to learn all the different
types of measurement! 

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