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Print off the "Check-Up for Numbers 0-20" and see if you have mastered the numbers!

Check-Up for Numbers 0-20

*Ask your child to count to 20.

0 My child can count out loud from 1 to 20.

*Ask your child to count up from ___ to 20.

0 My child can count up from any number to 20.

*Ask your child to count backwards from 20 to ___.

0 My child can count backwards from 20 to any number.

*Ask your child to count up from ___ to ___.  (Example: 7 to 15 or 8 to 19.)

0 My child can count up from various numbers.

Ask your child to count backwards from ___ to ___.  (Example: 13 to 9 or 19 to 13.)

0 My child can count backwards from various numbers.

*Mix up the number cards 0-20 and ask your child to identify the numbers.

0 My child can recognize the numbers 0-20.

*Ask your child to count and gather objects up to 20.

0 My child can count and gather various numbers of objects up to 20.

*Mix up the number cards 0-20 and put them into two piles.  Turn over two cards and ask your child which is the larger number.

0 My child can identify the larger number.

*Ask your child what combinations of numbers make 17.

0 My child says at least four combinations of 16+1, 15+2,14+3, 13+4, 12+5, 11+6, 10+7, 9+8.

*Ask your child, “If I have two paper plates with 6 cookies on one plate and 9 cookies on the other plate, how many cookies do I have in all?”

0 Your child answers 15 cookies.

*Fill up one Tens Frame and put three on the second Tens Frame.  Ask your child, “What numbers did I make on the Tens Frames?”

0  Your child answers 13.



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Numbers 0 to 20
Numbers 0 to 20 are important early learning fun!


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