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Food in the Middle Ages

     During the Middle Ages they mainly used cattle and sheep for meat. They also had fruits, vegetables, and used herbs for seasoning. They also used olive oil rather than butter.
     A banquet was sometimes made up of six courses. It provided food for everyone, not just the rich. Rules were laid down for how people ate, their table manners, and where they sat. They used spoons and knifes for eating.
     Food was preserved in a number of ways. One way was that, meats and fishes were smoked or dried. Another way of preserving was that fruits and vegetables were pickled. Meat for the winter was salted in huge wooden vats. Sometimes meat and fruit were stored together in barrels.
      The warmest place in the kitchen was the blazing hearth. A hearth was a huge fireplace. Food was often disguised with spices to hide the taste of rotten meat! The kitchen was a very lively place.
     Sometimes castles kept bees. Honey was used to sweeten foods and drinks. Larger castles had their own fishponds, orchards, and vineyards.


Food in the Middle Ages

Learning about food in the Middle Ages is amazing early learning fun!

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Food in the Middle Ages


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