Hugo by Brian Seiznick
Hugo lives in a busy Paris train station and he is an orphan clock keeper whose survival depends on not being noticed and secrets. But when he meets a bookish girl and a bitter man who runs a toy booth in the train station, Hugo's undercover life and precious secret is put into jeopardy.
10 Paris Sights
Further Investigation
*What other places would be fun to see in Paris?
*Research Paris history?
*Get a map of Paris and see if you can figure out how to get around.
Books and Movies
Reading a great book and watching the movie is fantastic learning fun!
How a Cuckoo Clock is Made
*Take apart a watch or clock to see how it works.
*What if we had 15 hours in a day? What would a clock look like?
How a Book is Made
*Research all the ways you could make a book.
*What is your favorite book? Find out how the author wrote your favorite book.