First Grade Milestones Check List
Print off this check list for first graders and get started!
Language Growth
- 1st Graders use complex sentences (“he wants to come in because…”)
- They use quantitative words (many, few, some, most, least)
- 1st Graders change word order appropriately to ask questions
- They answer why questions with explanations
- 1st Graders ask meaning of new or unfamiliar words
- They use time words (yesterday, last night, tomorrow)
- 1st Graders complete simple analogies (summer is hot, winter is ____)
- They describe similarities/differences in objects (coat and shoe, potato and rock, tree and flower)
- 1st Graders name objects which belong to certain classes (toys, foods, animals…)
- They tell activities associated with seasons of the year
- 1st Graders predict what will happen next in stories
- They answer questions about a story
- 1st Graders retell a story in the correct sequence
- They can tell an original story lasting 1-2 minutes
- 1st Graders can repeat familiar jokes
- They know word families
- 1st Graders play verbal reasoning game (I’m thinking of something…)
- They can explain rules of simple board or card games to others
- 1st Graders are good listeners and take in information
Knowledge Growth
- 1st Graders state month and date of their birthday
- They identify penny, nickel, dime, and dollar/they know the values
- 1st Graders know days of the week and months of the year
- They answer which is longer, a minute or an hour? A day or a week?
- 1st Graders place objects across from, next to, beside, behind, in front of, to the side, left and right of self on request
- They arrange 4-5 objects in sequence by length, width, or height
- 1st Graders can measure
- They identify half and whole objects
- 1st Graders add and subtract 1 to 10
- They match numerals with same quantity of objects 1 to 10
- 1st Graders name ordinal positions of objects (first, second, third)
- They read and write numbers up to 100
- 1st Graders know the basics of telling time
- They understand place value of numbers
- 1st Graders identify sets containing more/less
- They use real objects to add and subtract
- 1st Graders write sentences, paragraphs, and simple stories
- They write with capitals and correct punctuation
- 1st Graders know many word families and high frequency words
- They read at a wisdom level 8 by the end of 1st grade
- 1st Graders write and illustrate their own books (fiction and nonfiction)
- They are working on spelling patterns
- 1st Graders like to keep reading, writing, math, science, and daily journals
- They know how to read graphs
- 1st Graders use maps, globes, and simple timelines
- They predict, discover, read and write about their environment
- 1st Graders love to do experiments, observe, and categorize
- They love to discuss and listen to longer readings
Social Growth
- 1st Graders ask permission to play with another child’s toy
- They respond to verbal reasoning
- 1st Graders contribute own ideas to discussions
- They cooperate with 2-5 people in simple projects
- 1st Graders pass and serve up own food
- They place shoes on correct feet
- 1st Graders adjust water temperature in sink and bath tub; prepare own bath
- They make their own bed
- 1st Graders pick up their own toys
- They buckle their own seat belt in car
- 1st Graders are aware of their surroundings
- They walk to familiar locations within a block of home independently
- 1st Graders participate in board or card games
- They select their own friends
- 1st Graders comfort people when in distress
- They show appropriate behavior in public places
- 1st Graders explain relationship of family members (uncle bob is dad’s brother)
- They practice good health habits (washing hands, blowing nose with a Kleenex, chewing with your mouth closed…)
- 1st Graders answer the telephone, make telephone calls, and talk on the telephone
- They remain silent at appropriate times (when someone is talking, in a movie…)
- 1st Graders understand acceptable/unacceptable behavior
- They show pride and confidence in own accomplishments
- 1st Graders are interested in fairness
- They respond to verbal reasoning
- 1st Graders regularly complete one task independently without adult supervision
Physical Growth
- They love to skip with alternating feet
- 1st Graders swing on swings, initiating and sustaining motion
- They perform backward somersault
- 1st Graders can carry objects weighing 10-16 pounds
- They move from one overhead bar to another by swinging arms
- 1st Graders catch, throw, and hit a ball with a bat
- They ride a bicycle
- 1st Graders jump rope independently
- They maintain balance while moving on skates
- 1st Graders coordinate several motor skills in one activity (jumping jacks, relay races, circle games)
- They can open a variety of individual-serving sized drink containers (school milk, juice containers)
- 1st Graders pour juice/milk with little or no spilling
- They cut foods with a knife and spread butter with knife
- 1st Graders fold simple clothing and puts it away in drawer
- They can join hands with partners on both sides and step forward/backward on request
- 1st Graders run 50 yards without discomfort
Fine Motor Growth
- 1st Graders show appropriate number of fingers when asked for the numbers 0-10
- They create things with clay (animals, baskets)
- 1st Graders use pencil sharpeners, staplers, erasers and paper clips
- They cut out and paste or glue simple shapes
- 1st Graders can fold diagonally and horizontally with ease
- They can hit a nail with a real hammer into soft wood
- 1st Graders can write letters proficiently and draw with more detail
Creative Growth
- 1st Graders love to pretend
- They like to collect things (leaves, rocks, bark)
- 1st Graders paint, draw, and dance to their own beat
- They like to play silly games
- 1st Graders love to sing and move to music
- They like to illustrate their own books
- 1st Graders like to write their own books
- They like to create original art work with various materials
- 1st Graders like to visit museums
- They enjoy plays and good movies
- 1st Graders like to act out their own plays or books
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Flowering 1st Graders
Print off the Milestones for your 1st grader!