Check Lists for Kindergartener's
Print off the check lists and get started!
Language Growth
- K’s use longer, more complex sentences
- They use language to give information
- K’s retell familiar stories and predict story endings
- They articulate words clearly
- K’s “read” environmental print
- They use language to expand and extend play
- K’s tell the function of mouth, nose, eyes, ears, legs, feet
- They answer where, who, when, and why questions
- K’s use contractions (can’t, don’t, won’t)
- They speak in well-structured sentences (“Daddy drove the car to town.”
- K’s carry out a series of 3 directions in correct sequence
- They use possessive pronouns: his, hers, theirs, its, yours
- K’s tell what to do when sick, cold, hungry, etc…
- They use compound sentences
- K’s use sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather to identify family members
- They tell familiar stories in own words (without pictures for clues)
- K’s can tell if 2 words begin with the same sound
- They can tell if 2 words end with the same sound
- K’s can tell whether or not 2 words rhyme
- They can tell which of 3 words does not belong (banana, apple, car)
- K’s sing songs, say nursery rhymes, and can rhyme on their own
- They love to tell stories about themselves
- K’s understand sequencing of stories and events
- They love to listen to longer, more involved stories
Knowledge Growth
- K’s can tell their full name, age, telephone number, and family members
- They comprehend concepts of today, last night, yesterday, and tomorrow
- K’s can identify weather as rainy, sunny, snowy, warm, cold
- They can touch their own body parts on request (wrist, shoulder, ankle, waist)
- K’s place objects over, above, under, below, upon, inside, through…
- They sort similar household objects (silverware, clothing)
- K’s can arrange objects into at least 3 groups (things to eat, wear, or play with)
- They can identify objects as long/short, hard/soft, rough/smooth
- K’s can place 5 objects in horizontal arrangement by size
- They can count to 10
- K’s count objects from 1-10
- They give no objects when asked for zero
- K’s touch first, middle, and last items in a row
- They match and name geometric shapes
- K’s can match big and small letters
- They recognize their own name in print
- K’s put patterns together
- They show interest in family traditions
- K’s identify relationships within the family
- They touch and name left/right on own body
- K’s organize collections of objects into groups
- They can put 5 objects in pattern from memory
- K’s solve problems in block building
- They know quantity from 0-10
- K’s tell the sequence of events in a story
- They try different actions to solve a problem
- K’s play with words and love to make rhymes
- They point and name colors
- K’s can draw with more detail to their pictures
- They can draw and describe their pictures
- K’s have begun to read and write (They have passes ALL of the Check-Ups Reading and Writing Basics)
- They should start the year at a wisdom level 1 and end at a wisdom level 4.
Social Growth
- K’s work alone at desired activity for 15-20 minutes
- They adapt to changes in routine/environment (sleep in different bed without fuss)
- K’s seek and accept help when needed
- They face the person with whom he/she is speaking
- K’s wait up to 15 minutes for needs to be met
- They participate in group conversations
- K’s like to socialize with peers
- They enjoy situations away from home
- K’s tell roles of family members (mother is a doctor, brother goes to school)
- They say “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, and “I’m sorry” without reminders
- K’s listen to and follow directions given to group as a whole
- They clear a place at table
- K’s clean up spills by getting own cloth
- They help set table
- K’s complete all toileting procedures correctly
- They comb/brush their own hair
- K’s hang up towels at home/use paper towel dispenser in public bathrooms
- They bathe self
Physical Growth
- K’s throw balls overhand
- They climb, hop, gallop, skip and run
- K’s create structures with building materials
- K’s can sit cross-legged on the floor
- They follow a variety of directions involving moving the body with feet in one place (bend sideways, squat down)
- K’s can hang from overhead bar with weight on arms
- They walk forward short distances on a balance beam
- K’s can jump for longer distances, walk backwards running, jump backward, do the standing broad jump, gallop, hop and run
- They can throw a ball/bean bag into a target
- K’s bounce, throw, and catch balls
- They dribble balls
- They love to march to music
Fine Motor Growth
- K’s spread fingers, touching thumb to each finger individually
- They form simple shapes with clay (ball, snake, pancake)
- K’s build with a variety of interlocking toys
- They lace sewing cards
- K’s can use clothes pins
- They fold and crease paper horizontally, vertically
- K’s pull tape from dispenser and apply it to paper
- They cut straight lines
- K’s draw with details
- They can write letters
- They cut with scissors
- K’s use a thumb-forefinger grasp
- They can copy simple figures
- K’s button, zip, Velcro, and tie
Creative Growth
- K’s love to pretend and do things adults do
- They like to collect things
- K’s love to paint, draw, and dance to their own beat
- They like to play silly games
- K’s love to sing and make their own music
- They like to illustrate their own books
- K’s like to write their own books

Clever K’s
Print off the Milestones for your Kindergartener!