Check Lists of Milestones for Third Graders
Print off the milestones for third graders and get started!
Language Growth
· 3rd Graders are increasing their word usage and knowledge
· They can discuss subjects at a deeper level
· 3rd Graders can make logical inferences by putting together pieces of information to understand a message
· They can predict
· 3rd Graders discuss books, articles, and short stories they have read in detail
· They will tell detailed occurrences of their lives
· 3rd Graders ask questions to clarify information
· They can analyze and clarify language
Knowledge Growth
· 3rd Graders are very interested in discovering the past
· They understand concepts at a deeper level
· 3rd Graders start reading at about a wisdom level 14 and should end at wisdom level 17
· They are using The Writer’s Craft as they write
· 3rd Graders can focus for a longer periods of time
· If a topic interests them they will explore it in depth
· 3rd Graders will study these categories in math: Numbers, Operations, Geometry, Measurement, Graphing & Statistics, Patterns & Algebra, and Logical Reasoning
· They add and subtract two and three digit numbers
· 3rd Graders read and write whole numbers
· They understand how place value works
· 3rd Graders count and calculate money, use a calendar, measure with length & scale, and tell time
· They know multiplication and division
· 3rd Graders can round numbers
· They know shape, 3-D shapes, symmetry, perimeter, volume, and space & area
· They know fractions, decimals, and percents
· 3rd Graders understand basic probability and statistics
· They know bar graphs, line graphs, and table graphs
· 3rd Graders discovering algebra concepts, patterns, and growing patterns
· They use logical reasoning when working in the area of math
· 3rd Graders are discovering and researching science subjects in depth
· They are very interested in social studies topics (Geography, history, locations, holidays etc…)
Social Growth
· 3rd Graders are interested in things and people outside their house
· They are joining clubs and activities
· Their friends are very important to them
· 3rd Graders are very adventuresome and like to try new things
· They like to do things with their family so stay involved
· 3rd Graders have internalized right and wrong actions
· Being fair and telling the truth are important to 3rd Graders
· They like to have planned days
· 3rd Graders will have role models outside of the family
· They like accomplishing things
· 3rd Graders are very self sufficient
· They are becoming very responsible and may help with younger siblings
· 3rd Graders know good manners and social graces/ “Please” and “Thank You” as well as table manners and common courtesies
· They show respect to other people
· 3rd Graders recognize when someone is being excluded and take the initiative to include them
· They are leaders
· 3rd Graders like to keep journals and diaries
Physical Growth
· 3rd Graders enjoy sports
· They skip, spin, slide, catch, kick, bounce, throw, and can hit moving objects
· 3rd Graders know muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and how their body moves
· They have enough upper body strength to do handstands, cartwheels, and crab walks
· 3rd Graders should be doing activities that require intense physical activity
Creative Growth
· 3rd Graders are very dramatic and like to pretend
· They love to build and design things
· 3rd Graders love experiments
· They like to do arts and crafts
· 3rd Graders are fantastic story tellers
· They love to read poetry
· 3rd Graders draw, create original designs, and discover various art
· They love to do arts and crafts
· 3rd Graders love to cook
· They paint and draw in their own style
· 3rd Graders love to sing and dance
· They write original stories and illustrate them
· 3rd Graders will research in depth and write nonfiction articles and books
· They enjoy going to museums, plays, movies, and art galleries.
